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Products > Dosing System > Automatic circulating water dosing system

Automatic circulating water dosing system

Release time:2022-01-27  Browse times:2446

Automatic dosing system


With the dosing units you can easily and reliably condition the water to serve the intended use and to meet the technical requirements. The field of applications includes the dosing of:
* Acids for alkalinity reduction and scale prevention
* Polyelctrolytes for coagulation of suspended solids and an improved subsequent filtration
* Scale inhibitors to avoid scale deposits on reverse osmosis membranes
* Disinfectants for shock treatment in order to avoid bacterial growth
* Chlorine to avoid biological growth in pipes and storage tanks
* Hydrated lime or caustic soda for pH adjustment to neutralize dissolved free carbon dioxide.

* high dosing accuracy.
* local control for adjustment of dosing rate.
* integral dosing head deaeration.
* for degasing of chemicals.
* easy installation and maintance.
* high operational reliability.
* high quality materials.
* accessories in great variety.
(All customized models are available by online inquiry).

More about chemical dosing system and pump work principle here


The ordering process:

1. inform us of the need for the added chemicals, water treatment capacity on site, detailed drawings issued by the installation site requirements we give

2. quotation

3. your company confirm our quotation reasonable

4. negotiation details

5. orders and pay

6. drawing the picture and production
