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Products > Water Quality Instrument > SEKO K50 digital chlorine conductivity meter

SEKO K50 digital chlorine conductivity meter

Release time:2020-05-26  Browse times:2781

SEKO K50 digital ph orp chlorine conductivity meter


Kontrol series of products can be measured single parameter, double parameter and multi-parameter, with high measurement accuracy, simple operation of the practical characteristics. At the same time, the following parameters can be measured: pH/ORP, conductivity, residual chlorine, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, sludge concentration, chlorine dioxide, bromine, hydrogen peroxide, flow and temperature.

SEKO k50 xq 01.jpg

Site test:

Product Line

K50 PR- measures pH or ORP

K50 CL- measure residual chlorineK50 CD- measures conductivity

K50 FX- measures flow, configurable with a sensor

K50 AP- measurement of residual chlorine (glass probe or current probe)

All models come with analog and digital outputs that end users can set up through software.In addition, the instrument is equipped with a program that enables the user to manage and maintain the measuring probe with the help of the "probe quality" control function.The data storage function provides users with operational cost information based on readings.


The Kontrol 50 series instruments are for the following fields

Ideal products for parameter measurement: electroplating, drinking water, irrigation system, cooling water treatment, flocculant, dosing system, waste water, pure water and reverse osmosis.

Software functions

Our instrument introduces a toolbar feature that allows you to quickly switch between menus.The status bar can quickly confirm the output of the meter, making daily application faster and more efficient.Conductivity measurement in units of S can be regarded as the measurement of total dissolved solids if applied to cooling water treatment field, and as the measurement of resistivity if applied to reverse osmosis field.
