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Products > Flow Level Pressure Meter > diesel fuel water Tank level gauge

diesel fuel water Tank level gauge

Release time:2019-07-16  Browse times:2238

Apure diesel fuel water Tank level gauge

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What is the liquid level?

Liquid level sensor for detecting the interface between the liquid or liquid, such as oil and water or liquid and solid. They can be defined as the sensor or sensor, but also can be defined as which has the function of instrument and control integrated system.

What is liquid level measurement?

Continuous liquid level sensor measuring the liquid level of the liquid in the specific range, and to determine the exact number of tank or container products, for example. There are many variables determines the required for the application of liquid level measurement type.

Measuring range


Long-term stability

±0.2%FS/ year

Power supply


Output signal

4-20mA , 0-5V , 0-10V

Medium temp

-40~250 ℃

Pressure overload


Mechanical vibration


Protection level


Comprehensive accuracy

0.5level    (typical) 0.2level


Low copper aluminum alloy junction box; All stainless steel level probe; Cable material polyethylene wire, stainless steel tube, teflon anti-corrosion cable.

Media compatibility: various liquid media compatible with 316L stainless steel
